About Bellafricana

[parallax photourl=”http://digest.bellafricana.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/african_dawn_slide.png” verticaloffset=”230″ title=”BELLAFRICANA” text=”Find below, a couple of information about bellafricana” textmargin=”120″ overlaycolor=”#222″ overlayopacity=”0.75″][/parallax]
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[dropcap custom_class=”normal”]Bellafricana promotes local content by expressing the beauty of Africa in various products and by promoting local artisans, creatives and talents. Bellafricana is a marketplace for Afrocentric (made from Africa) and Handmade products. Bellafricana uses exceptional African materials such as Aso-oke, Adire, Kente and many more. We have a community called ‘The Bella Community’ where we connect passionate buyers and talented craftsmen, with the sole aim to promote the beauty of Africa to the world. [/dropcap]
Bellafricana digest is a comprehensive directory for all Afrocentric products and services offered by African companies. It is an essential source for Afrocentric products and service providers. It is Africa’s very first Digest that provides great contents of African made products and services. It includes a directory for various African companies. It is regarded as an essential digest for finding and reading about all African products, stories, creatives, artisans, talents and services.
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[heading_entrance title=”Professional Skills” text=”We are huge lovers of Africa with a vision to promote the beauty of Africa. So get reading, get sharing and get liking. “]
[skills value=”92″ size=”200″ bgcolor=”#ffffff” fgcolor=”#222222″ donutwidth=”8″ title=”Leadership” fontsize=”32px”]
[skills value=”97″ size=”200″ bgcolor=”#ffffff” fgcolor=”#222222″ donutwidth=”8″ title=”Creativity” fontsize=”32px”]
[skills value=”90″ size=”200″ bgcolor=”#ffffff” fgcolor=”#222222″ donutwidth=”8″ title=”Entrepreneurship” fontsize=”32px”]


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