You are specially invited to Yeye Cabaret 2020.

It’s no news that mothers are irreplaceable in our lives and should be celebrated at every given chance.
Yeye Cabaret, an entertainment showcase is set to specially celebrate mothers, mentors and caregivers on mothers’ day, treating them to an evening of pampering and indulgence in a relaxed ambience of serenading soulful music, where Theatre meets Fine Dining – all in one place.

This uniquely curated showcase serves as a way to promote the creative industry with the talents of Thespians, Chefs, Dramatists, Milliners and the likes on display on the day.

In a statement, the conveyor of the event – Ayodele Ogundipe said: “As a foremost entertainment brand promoting the culture of Mother’s Day celebration in Nigeria, we want to leverage our platform to help raise awareness on social issues that affect women especially mothers in our society through theatre.”

This initiative as a showcase aims to promote the Arts, Culture and Tourism sectors of the Nigerian economy as an investment-worthy sector to grow the economy


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